Protection against Infrared light

Prolonged exposure to Infrared Light (IR) is mainly caused by natural light and is broken down into IR-A (700 nm to 1400 nm) and IR-B (1400 nm to 2500 nm). Since this exposure is involved in skin lesions, IR protection factors must be comparable between products, and provide information on the balance of UV, visible and IR protection in a single product.

WENEOS has been at the forefront of the development of in vitro methods for assessing the Blue Light (BL) – also known as High Energy Visible (HEV) – Visible (VIS) and Infrared (IR) protection offered by sun protection products. It is a fully validated and impartial independent test.

Note: This test method has not been reviewed or standardized by ISO (International Organization for Standardization), the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) or any other worldwide regulatory agency. The test report does not provide any guarantee regarding the labeling and/or substantiation of claims, implicit or explicit.

days for an in vitro study with a final report

solar studies carried out


compliance with solar standards


We can assess the sun protection of your products in full compliance with official methods, or claim the properties of your products through exclusive tests developed by WENEOS.

In Vitro Infrared Light


Cette méthode in vitro innovante consiste à évaluer les niveaux de protection IR exprimés par l’IR-CW (balance UV/VIS/IR) et le %IR (pourcentage d’intensité de protection IR) d’un produit de protection solaire sur tout le spectre (à partir de 290 nm jusqu'à 2500 nm en décomposant la partie IR-A et IR-B) mesurée au moyen d’une méthode spectrophotométrique. Pour tenir compte de toute photo-instabilité potentielle, le produit a été pré-irradié avant la mesure. Enfin, cette méthode repose sur l’utilisation de résultats SPF in vivo pour mettre à l’échelle la courbe d’absorbance.

Méthode publiée : Are Your Sunscreens Infra-ready? New In vitro Method Puts Data Behind the Claims – E. Delamour, S. Miksa and D. Lutz, C&T, October 2017

(réf. HeIR)

Discover the analyses additionalfor all-round sun protection

UV protection

  • SPF – UVB
  • UVA:UVB ratio
  • Photostability
  • Absorbance spectrum

Beyond UV

  • UVC
  • Ultra-Long UVA
  • Blue Light
  • Visible
  • Infrared
  • Full Spectrum


  • Water resistance
  • Sweat resistance
  • Sand resistance
  • Rub resistance
  • Wet Skin Application
  • Extreme conditions
  • Persistence | Long-lasting
  • Immediate protection