Become a volunteer

Join our panel of volunteers and test tomorrow’s suncare products while receiving compensation.

WENEOS is the center of expertise for sun protection evaluation of cosmetic products worldwide. For over 25 years, we have been working with national and international regulatory bodies to develop ever more reliable methods.

Our clinical studies offer you the possibility of compensation, calculated according to specific requirements and proportional to your commitment. Each study is carefully supervised by our team of qualified professionals and carried out in compliance with current standards. This clinical research takes place during the final phase of product development, when the claimed effects must be demonstrated. We guarantee that our products contain only ingredients that comply with legal and regulatory requirements.

By becoming a member of our volunteer panel, you’ll play a key role in photoprotection innovation, while benefiting from a rewarding experience and fair remuneration. Your participation is crucial to ensuring the safety and efficacy of tomorrow’s suncare products. Together, let’s advance science and protect consumers’ skin.

Volunteer space

A platform dedicated exclusively to our volunteers is available for you to register as an active member and find out about all our current studies.

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Practical information

Our opening hours :

Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Contact us :

03 75 00 73 36

How to find us :

176 rue Robert Schuman 60610 Lacroix-Saint-Ouen

Public transport: Bus: Mercières aux Bois stop Visitor parking lot

Your registration

To take part in our studies, you need to be registered on our volunteer panel. The first step is to complete the registration form. This will take 5-10 minutes. Only one registration is allowed per person.

Confidentiality guarantee: The personal information you provide will be treated in the strictest confidence. We undertake not to divulge it, even in part, to any third party.

Your registration

In order to validate your registration, you must attend a visit to our premises, during which our experts will register you definitively on our panel of volunteers (non-compensated visit). Please come to this visit without body cream and with a valid social security certificate.

Please note: Completing the registration form does not constitute validation.

Your participation

You are now registered on our volunteer panel. We may contact you for research purposes.


Appointments are made via the volunteers area of our platform. Once you’ve been assigned to a study, you’ll receive an email confirming your appointment, along with instructions on how to proceed.
Note: We reserve the right to refuse your participation without compensation if you fail to comply with the timetable or instructions.


Subjects, aged between 18 and 70, must have fairly fair skin on their backs and must not have been exposed to the sun for at least 1 month.

The test is performed on several areas of the back, between the shoulder blades and the waist, with the subject lying flat on his or her stomach.

These areas must be free of hair and skin imperfections (moles, freckles, brown spots, tattoos, scars or acne).


Compensation, calculated on the basis of attendance time, will be received 3 to 4 weeks after the end of the study.


Handling is carried out by qualified personnel. Our experts are on hand to answer any questions you may have.

Preliminary tests have been carried out on these products to limit the risk of reactions. Rare possible effects include temporary irritation such as tingling, itching or redness.



WENEOS undertakes only to carry out tests in accordance with its ethical policy.

We use a method (ISO 23698) that requires no exposure of volunteers to UV rays.